
Scripts and other stuff around my Raspberry Pi Cluster for Distributed Programming and Networking with various Languages, e.g. Python, Java, etc

View the Project on GitHub cinhtau/life_of_pi


Download Raspbian Stretch Lite image and flash that to your Micro SD cards for your Raspberry Pi with Etcher.

Flashing the image

Post Configuration

Default login is

  1. Change password with passwd and set password for root with sudo passwd.
  2. Run sudo raspi-config
    • Setup localization (keyboard, timezone, WIFI country), default is GB
    • Setup networking (hostname, WIFI)
    • Enable SSH server for remote access
    • Since no GUI is used change GPU memory to lowest 16MB value
    • Expand filesystem to use whole card
    • reboot

WLAN Setup

In case raspi-config did not work out:

Scan list

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan

Configure connection

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Get IP from Router

wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure


Scan with nmap for pi nodes